Guest Posts Article Guidelines

We regularly update this page as questions from authors arise. Here's what you need to know about being a Domain Authority Article Contributor.

All article submissions will be discussed and agreed upon before the article is posted. That's because they are permanent articles and links are dofollow unless the author wishes to have nofollow.

All articles are featured on the front page as well as the article directory section and the article category may be chosen for your article or you can provide one if you prefer.

Contact US

Our Stats to Consider

We received the following hits last month in Sep we received 279,642, so you know your article will be seen and indexed quickly. All articles that are posted on Domain Authority are also shared on our social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. giving them greater exposure.

So now on to what you need to know to get your article posted on Domain Authority

Article Guidelines

There is one sure way to get your article posted on Domain Authority.

First pitch us your idea: Need instructions on how to pitch us? Then you probably aren't ready to contribute to Domain Authority. If you are ready then click here

Domain Authority accepts contributions: From what genres you ask? We accept articles from SEO professionals, digital marketers, products, how-to's, and everything in between and we cover a wide range of categories so we are sure to fit everyone's needs.

Domain Authority Writing Schedule: Article Contributors are invited to write on regular bases (once a week, monthly, or even quarterly).

Why a scheduled guest post: Article slots fill up very quickly in a single month, however, we can also post articles on the fly for marketers that need it done right away.

Author/Contributor Agreement

All article contributors at Domain Authority are expected to submit articles that are original and written by you or your client which you have permission to submit on their behalf!

Why Posts Must Be 100% Original

No plagiarism: We use CopyScape. If you're caught once passing off someone else's article as your own, you're gone and blacklisted.

No self-plagiarism: Do not copy or borrow paragraphs from other articles. Unless you properly attributed the source and include a direct link to the source.

What to Write?

You are welcome to draw from your own experiences to come up with your own ideas and topics. If you think we do not have a category we will add it for you!

Always try to go beyond the basics and come up with original ideas.

The most successful articles tend to be:

  • Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics)
  • How-to articles/guides
  • Explainer posts (e.g., what, why it matters)
  • Expert roundups
  • Opinion posts/commentary/think-pieces
  • Follow-up articles, to another related article
  • Link to other articles already listed within our directory

Always provide actionable tips and practical advice.

Share your own experiences. Don't rely heavily on quoting other experts or authors from other websites.

Be the expert yourself!

You're writing to share your expertise, information, insights, and ideas with our audience.

Post Length

How long should a guest post article be?

All Posts should be a minimum of 500 words or more.

Most articles that appear on Domain Authority are between 500 and 2,000 words.

We do love longer posts, but our editorial team is small and limited for time. So if you want to write an in-depth post that is 3,000 words, 4,000 words, or even longer, please ask for approval from the Domain Authority Editor first.

Note: Longer posts tend to get more page views, time on page, and social love. However, a large article post can be turned into 3 or 4 more targeted posts instead gaining you more exposure!

The best posts are clear, precise, and to the point. After all, our readers are busy. Tell them what they need to know and finish the article.

Headlines & Paragraphs

Always try to keep your paragraphs short and keep the reader engaged.

Your headline should be interesting enough to entice people to click on it. It should be optimized for search and social media. Remember your Headline will be your article URL.

Short paragraphs are easier to understand and digest, help drive your point across, and encourage reading in this age of information overload and short attention spans.

Required: A featured image that is found at the top of the article is 800 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall. Please review your article before submitting it to make sure your featured image is formatted correctly or we can provide an image for your article for you.

If you did include images, be sure to cite all image sources whenever possible!

Republishing Content Guidelines

To avoid duplicate content issues with Google, we permit content to be republished 14 days after publishing on Domain Authority. However, You MUST use a canonical link

Be sure to include Your Bio in the footer of the article if you wish but it is optional.

You can include a Profile Photo - use a headshot so people can see your face.

You can include your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Your company, Your position, Your company's URL, to your bio if you prefer.

In-Article Links

Our editorial team is always on the lookout for links that appear promotional only or self-serving. We're marketing to marketers, so if we don't catch it, our very savvy community eventually will and this can hurt your credibility.

Any links that appear promotional or superfluous will be removed by editorial staff without question.

No links to websites that are: pills/RX or porn related.

Editorial Review and Corrections

In the instance of corrections to byline, facts, or updates to published articles, Domain Authority reserves the right to edit any post at any time. Post changes may be noted with a note from the editor about the change and the reasoning for the update or change, if applicable.

If an agreement has been made for an article to be published on Domain Authority then the article must be submitted within 7 days for our editors to review and get it published in a timely matter.

If you're going to miss the deadline, please give us a heads-up. We know you're busy and stuff comes up.

So, what happens when the article is approved?

Typos, grammar, and content flow are all checked and it's ready to go live!

Payment Process

Once the article is live we will invoice you through Paypal.

The invoice must be paid within 7 days no excuses. Or all links are disabled or removed.

If payment is going to be late, just let us know. It only takes a couple of minutes to send us an email.

Other Information
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Your Domain Authority is important because it is representative of how your website ranks on search engine. It helps you better understand your site's credibility in the eyes of the search engines and you can see how you compare to your competition. To increase your web domain authority naturally is to submit it to our directory as we are fully optimized for better results, on increasing your domain authority quickly and easily.

Office Hours
  • Mon: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Tues: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Wed: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Thurs: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Sat: 10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Sun: closed
Supported Countries
  • Active: 23
  • Pending: 0
  • Subscribers: 23
  • Members Online: 1
  • Active: 14
  • Pending: 0
  • Verified: 14
  • Featured: 0
  • Favorites: 0
  • Active: 0
  • Pending: 0
Blog Stats
Directory Stats
  • US Cities: 30,249
  • CA Cities: 4,881
  • Categories: 1,178
  • Total Images: 8
  • Total Videos: 2
Traffic Stats
  • 2023: 2,008,444
  • 2024: 2,209,573
  • Aug: 229,559
  • Sep: 279,642
  • Oct: 105,124
  • October, 15 : 10,157
  • Yesterday: 15,640
  • Today: 17,496